MSXdev’18 – 14th entry: Quartet

  • Category: MSX Classic
  • Name of the project / game: Quartet
  • Game size / RAM size requirements for the game: 32Kb / 8Kb RAM
  • Game genre: Action Puzzle
  • Name of the group / individuals involved: Ilkke & bitsofbas

Here comes a new challenger! The name is Quartet, and it’s a puzzle game by Ilkke and bitsofbas for MSX Classic category.

Aim for the best score trying to complete as many faces as you can. The more complete the face is, the more points you get. If you clear all the faces from the board you will be rewarded with an extra life and bonus points.

Think fast, there’s no time to waste! Move the pieces quickly or you lose a life. Can you beat the Highscore?

Releases history


  • Fixed a little bug that causes the game sprites to get stuck on the menu screen.


This version has been released after contest deadline so it will not be taken into account by the jury for final results.

  • Added 50/60Hz detection and correction of game speed.