MSXdev’20: #13 – SPC Super HOOPS

  • Name of the game: SPC Super HOOPS
  • Game size: 32KB
  • RAM size requirements: 16KB
  • Game genre: Sports / Arcade
  • Name of the group / individuals involved: Hakogame

It’s showtime!

Time for playing a basketball-like game before times runs out. There is a power bar at the bottom of the screen where a dial moves from side to side. We should stop it in the right place to shoot the ball to the basket. But basket changes its height so we have to calculate the power needed before shoooting.

Enjoy your time while shooting some hoops.

SPC Super HOOPS was made using XBASIC and started as the first MSX-BASIC project from the author in a Sanno SPC Super MSX computer.

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