- Name of the game: Freedom Fighter – Rise of The Humans
- Game size: 128Kb (ASCII 16 mapper)
- RAM size requirements: 16KB
- Genre: Shoot-’em-up
- Names of the individuals involved:
- Code: Pintus Giuseppe Ettore, aka Geppo, aka thegeps.
- Music and sound effects: Phaze101.
Everyone frequenting the forums at the MSX Resource Center could follow this development basically from scratch. And boy, was there great interest in how this project would develop!
Talking about scratching – people were scratching their heads, whether this title would make it in time for the ‘dev.
So, we’re proud to tell you, that mister thegeps delivered. We hope you’ll enjoy.
Download and updates
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- Fixed a bug that make the game crash after 5 to 6 plays.
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v1.2 (out of contest)
- Spaceship now is faster, its respawn final position has been moved about the screen center (in case of attacks from behind) and during respawn is now possible to get powerups.
- Enemy bullets color has been changed to fixed white for every level but level3 (moon level) where the color is set to purple (due to visibility).