MSXdev21 #5 – Break Bomb

  • Title: Break Bomb
  • Genre: Puzzle, action
  • Author: Gamecast Entertainment
  • ROM size: 64KB
  • Registered: 20210410
  • Status: Disqualified – the game needs more than 16K of RAM to run.

Regular MSXdev contestant Gamecast delivered a fast paced game that demands nerves like steal. With Break Bomb your job is to dismantle appearing bombs within seconds.

You will find yourself in a labyrinth, navigating with a screen that scrolls both vertically as well as horizontally. Your task is to defuse all the bombs as quickly as possible within the time limit of 30 seconds. If you fail to do so, you lose a life. Every 6 game levels, there is a bonus level. To enter the bonus level, enter the yellow door.

Note: The game Break Bomb is an upgraded version of Bomb Man (MSXdev’05) which was released by the same author. The MSXdev21 team discussed if this would be a valid entry, and it is. But it was a close call. The author has been informed earlier.

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