For the 21th edition of MSXdev, hardware seller sdsnatcher73 donates a National CF2700 MSX computer.
The Japanese corporation Matsushita Denki, known as Panasonic outside of Japan, released this MSX1 computer in 1984 as the follow up of their CF1200 computer. The computer consists out of a single unit with an integrated keyboard and power supply. The CF2700 has 2 cartridge slots placed in parallel on the top right and harbours 32KB of RAM.
The Dutch hardware seller sdsnatcher73 donated a working specimen of this machine for the MSXdev21 edition, a welcome addition the the Winners Loot Box. Thank you very much, sir!
If you are in the market for a physical MSX, sdsnatcher73 offers a wide variety of MSX hardware for sale on the MSX Resource Center trading forum.