- Title: Alien Attack
- Genre: Shoot’em up
- Author: Marcos Daniel Blanco, Daniel Simon
- ROM size: 256KB
- Registered: 20210817
The ‘dev jam wouldn’t be same without a shoot ’em up. All shooter fans can rejoice, as “Alien Attack” comes ripping through the horizon and breaking through the sound barrier with a bang, to fill that void. A fully loaded, all-in, Zanac-like vertical shooter that blows you out of your socks and rips your pants off, if you’re not careful.
Playing Alien Attack, you control the combat fighter craft called V.I.P.E.R. to blast your way throught waves of relentless foes. The game is a top-down shooter that scrolls with various speeds. Unlike with Zanac, perilous ground-based obstacles are to taken caution of as well. Kill or be killed, collect power ups, and destroy the end-bosses, while shouting “Take that, ugly bastards!”. Celebrate with a feast and a nice drink on the side, afterwards.
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Last updated 20210831