- Title: Pippo la scopa ficcanaso
- Genre: Arcade
- Author: Gamecast Entertainment
- ROM size: 16KB
- Registered: 20180825
Perhaps it is the Nimbus 2000, because this broomstick is magic as it hovers on its own to clean the sidewalk. Gamecast Entertainment just swept in another game entry.
City residents had enough and go on strike at work. As if that weren’t already bad enough, at night they’re throwing garbage out of their windows, right on the pavement. Passers-by also protest, while yet they ask for help from an urban hygiene company by calling a particular garbage man.
You are the protagonist of the famous broom; “Pippo La Scopa Ficcanaso”. Your task is to clean the streets while vacuum cleaners attack you and pollute the streets even more.
The game ROM is accompanied by manuals in both Italian and English.
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