A gift card – to use at Repair Bas his offerings – for the Winners Loot Box
Dutch MSX hardware specialist Bas Kornalijnslijper (Repair-Bas) is known for his MSX repairing jobs and hardware projects. He offers repairs for MSX computers and related hardware and also sells hardware parts. Furthermore, Bas designs and sells new hardware solutions such as expansion kits, connector-converters, and cables for example.
Bas participates with MSXdev22 as a sponsor, and offers a 50 euro gift card to spend on his services. Great thanks to you, Bas!
Whether you need a new drive belt, wish to have your Music Module RAM expanded, or just need information on hardware, feel free to visit Bas & Ditta (bas-ditta.info) online MSX hardware web-site or check out Bas his online tutorials at his YouTube channel.