- Title: Safari Kids
- Genre: Educational
- Author(s): Jipe MSXvillage
- Medium: ROM 32KB or 1x2DD
- Hardware requirements: MSX2, FDD (optional)
From France we have the first MSX2 game in this year’s free-style contest. While on your safari trip, you meet animals and solve puzzles on the way. This game is aimed at children to help them discover the computer keyboard and reflect on the different actions to be taken to reach the next stage.
The game Safari Kids has a history – It was in October of 1983 that the French computer magazine Hebdogiciel published a ZX81 BASIC listing of a game called Safari. Monsieur Jipe decided to make a version for MSX a few years later which led to the idea of a remake for MSX2 and enter MSXdev22.
This screen 8 MSX2 educational adventure game is written in BASIC with some help from Assembly routines and is available in both disk and ROM format, where the ROM format has less loading time. The game has a built-in language selection and is played with keyboard for typing exercises and to move around.
Jipe has included extra files which contain the original ZX81 listing, his earlier MSX1 version, and even the source files for this MSXdev22 version. These are provided here as a seperate download.
Time to don our safari hats and hop into the jeep, kids!
If you’re enjoying this MSXdev game, why not consider donating to the prize money or sponsor the winners loot box by submitting a physical reward? 100% of the donations will go to the developers.