Title: Robo Rumble
Genre: Arcade
Author(s): RoboSoft Inc.
Medium: ROM 32K
Hardware requirements: MSX1, 16KB RAM
It was bound to happen: robot reproduction. Robots creating robots; what’s next? Dutch homebrew fanatic ToriHino from RoboSoft enrolled with his latest creation called Robo Rumble. A humble MSX1 arcade game loaded with… robots.
Originally designed in 2018 as Robots Rumble by Miguetelo for the speccy system, this arcade-puzzle-platformer game found its way to MSX. ToriHino from Robosoft ported this gem, with kind permissions by the original creator. The result is a classic MSX1 game with colorful graphics, swinging PSG tunes and a nerve-racking gameplay.
In this game you have to guide the robot to the latest screen of each planet and throw it into the lava. You control the robot with the right and left magnets. Avoid green radioactive rocks and guardians. You need to recharge your energy picking up the batteries.
Play this game with keyboard using the following set-up:
Q-A: Up-Down left magnet
P-L: Up-Down right magnet
Let’s get ready to rumble!
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