Title: Shadow Of The Pig
Genre: Action, Platform
Author(s): thegeps
Medium: ROM 32KB
Hardware requirements: MSX1, 16KB RAM
Hailing from Italy, MSX enthusiast and developer thegeps comes with a fresh offering to the ever-expanding MSXdev game library. In Shadow Of The Pig, we’ll get to perform the role of a pig that’s in quite the pickle, for his shadow has been replaced by that of a beast by an evil witch.
In order to lift that curse, our hero, Farty Pig, is required to best treacherous plains littered with prickly, but also deadly cacti.
Fortunately, he can propel himself quite high into the sky with the power of his gastrointestinal emissions. Does that sound confusing? Well, we’re only trying to put this politely. Let’s just say, this pig’s command over his bowel movements and their resulting air pressure will be a great help in avoiding to get stung by any of those cumbersome cacti.
…Allright, let’s just be frank – you can jump with farts, and even pull off a limited amount of double farted jumps with that.
With the current hubbub over farm animals emissing too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, this particular pig doesn’t seem to care a lot about that. At least he has the decency to wear pants, so it must be a pig of culture, anyway. We, the MSXdev Team, find this a commendable treat and recommend that you aid Farty Pig in his quest to regain his… well, not humanity per se, but you probably know what we mean.
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