Title: DICED – Tournament
Genre: Dice
Author(s): Mi-Chi, Def Danny
Medium: ROM 328KB
Hardware requirements: MSX1, 8KB RAM
Imagine living in the year 1915, somewhere in the Wild West. You’re riding through town on your horse, looking for a brawl. As a fearsome pistol shooter and professional drinker, your next stop is obviously the saloon. It’s the place where fun starts, music plays, and woman have business doing pleasure with you. The booze flows like water, while horses are strapped outside. Between the occasional barfights and shooting competitions, there’s also time for some money-making betting entertainment. To be exact – rolling dice your game.
It is right here where players meet at the annual dice-tournament. Time to throw some of those things and drink like the devil!
In this MSX1 game you will put your wits and luck up against over 190 unique opponents in 17 tournaments. Crush the competition, or be crushed. Outclass your fellow players with sovereignty and strategy, or simply outsmart them. It’s up to you; after all – you’re the Billy The Kid of your 8-bit, the Calamity Jane of your own game, or the Davy Crockett of the feeling in your gambling gut. You could even be the Butch Cassidy of your MSX-emulating Wii, if you’d just give this game a go as recommended!
A unique gaming experience with plenty of entertainment in this 26th entry of MSXdev22. German MSX mates Mi-Chi and Def Danny made sure there’s hours of fun to have in this colorful game. The in-game tutorial alone is extensive and will cover all details for the next 30 minutes. Then it’s just up to you to roll and win enough dollars as well as respect, to purchase more booze, or music sheets for the pianist. Anyone can join the table – Indians, cowboys, men, women, thin, fat, rich or poor. The game is on, so don’t think twice and roll those dice!
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Downloads and updates
Find the latest version of DICED-Tournament at https://github.com/MI-CHI/DICED-Tournament