It is with great thrill that we announce the 19th edition of MSXdev to be open for entries! MSXdev23 is on, yes sir! Once again, this rendition of the game compo accepts all MSX compatible software in its “Free Style” format. For guts and for glory, all of you are welcome to join.
Introduced in the year 2003, the MSXdev game compo challenges developers to create an original MSX game. The ongoing show, that delivered over 200 fresh MSX games in its run, is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year with yet another freestyle edition where any MSX compatible game is accepted. No restrictions on hardware, thus no limits on creativity. The MSXdev23 enrollment program officially starts on February 15, 2023 and ends on October 14, 2023. This means that you’ve got eight months to get cracking.
A compo wouldn’t be fair without a solid team of independent judges to score, judge, and rank the MSXdev entries at their best abilities. Every year, we strive to assign a competent set of well known and knowledgable MSX people upon that task. During the run of MSXdev, these jurors will ofcourse be revealed in an upcoming announcement.
As for prizes; the MSXdev relies completely on support of the MSX scene, by accepting donations and sponsored items. This tradition has fared well in the past and should be no exception this year. Come join the dev and donate to the cause. Push the Donation button to donate any amount of money, or contact the MSXdev team to sign up for sponsoring.
And for you, developer, you are welcome to join MSXdev23 with any newfangled, crisp and unsmoked piece of 8-bit MSX game software. No fees, only fun. It should be clear by now that MSXdev is a very appriopriate stage to showcase your skills and share your wonderful works with MSX lovers worldwide.
You will find all information regarding MSXdev23 on this dedicated page. Happy coding!