Books are for winners
Real print for real MSX fans, a must have. We are proud to have Eric Boez on board as sponsor with three of his publications.
We live in a time and age where everything and anything needs to be digital, or so it seems. Digital information is fast and widely available thanks to the wonder ways of the inter webs. For MSX no different; everything you need to know is right there, on the net. But once in a while, the need to have real print in hands emerges. Eric Boez is a writer that put words into print. His latest publication called MSX Genesis is cool print for cool people, like retro gamers are.
Publisher Eric donates three of his books to MSXdev23, printed versions of course. These three are:
Print book “MSX Technical Data Book”
Print book “MSX-DOS Technical Hand Book”
Print book “MSX Genesis” (English or French)
Fine print for sure. The titles speak for them self, right?! Where the first two are technical MSX information books, the third is a special one. In the book “MSX Genesis”, Eric takes us back to the early 1980s, when microcomputing slowly but steadily started to enter common households. Dozens of models of microcomputers existed on this nascent market. These computers were all incompatible with each other, as they were brand-specific and weren’t designed to exchange programs or peripheral hardware. However, from Japan came a proposal for rationalization that gave birth to the very first universal standard of microcomputing: the MSX, ofcourse.
Thanx Eric.
Find Eric his books online at Amazon and get your own copy today. It’s worth the read.