Title: The Porpoise Man
Genre: Adventure
Author(s): Jose Soto
Medium: FDD 720KB
Hardware requirements: MSX1, 16KB
With The Porpoise Man, developer Jose Soto brings a platform game with RPG influences to the table. An MSX1 based adventure that’s going to give you a hard time as the learning curve is steep. Here’s MSXdev entry number #9 for you to enjoy.
When the region “San Roman de la Llailla” was finally freed from the reign of terror that dictator Porpoise enslaved on the land and its people, the hero responsible for this defeat, Sir Berzas of the Big Sticks, disappeared – injured but not forgotten. The good people of the land remember the legend at the eve of every full moon when the song of Sir Berzas is being sung – “NyaaaJIJIJIIII” – while Sir Berzas wanders the contours seized with the curse of the Porpoise, unseen.
On a fateful moonlit night, when Porpoise unexpectedly rears his ugly head on again, Sir Berzas, still tremendously wounded, steps up and confronts his old nemesis once more. How did Porpoise show up again, and why is he still alive? A tragic story including immortal battles, chatGPT, heroes and villains, a game of soccer, a legend, and bugs. Lots of bugs, the trademark of The Porpoise Man. Lead Berzas to victory once more, and defeat evil for good this time.
The game “The Porpoise Man”, or “El Hombre Marsopa” in Spanish, is a colorful screen-by-screen adventure that keeps you occupied for hours with its hard level of gameplay. For the Spanish as well as the English version, the game contains agreeable language in the “All-Ages Version”. For a less gentle dialogue, run the 18+ edition.
Downloadable in .dsk format, this game will run on every MSX standard machine. The included manual, also available in both English and Spanish, delivered as .PDF, will help you set-up and guide you through the story and its gameplay.
Now, go bug hunting.

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