Title: Hopper Boy
Genre: Arcade
Author(s): Gamecast Entertainment
Medium: DSK 720KB
Hardware requirements: MSX1, disk drive
The arcade game Hopper Boy takes you back to the times of Nintendo’s Game & Watch series. In Hopper Boy you traverse the floors of a bank to collect diamonds, in order to break the high-score. Simple, clean, and fun.
Regular dev contestant Gamecast from Italy proves that a simple concept can lead to entertaining game play. With Hopper Boy, your task is to simply collect diamonds and score points doing so. The game is set in a bank with floors to scale up or down. At the top floor you’ll find the safe, where you’d better stash those pretty shiny stones. The purple door at the bottom floor will magically transport you back to the top floor, effectively making it a short cut. All this while avoiding those pesky guards.
For each diamond that you grab, you get 100 points. Stuffing it in the safe will net you another 200 points. Collect all diamonds to advance to the next stage. The remaining time will be added to your total score.
This MSX1 game runs from a 720KB disk, using the PSG for sound output. Use the cursor keys or a joystick to maneuver.
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