MSXdev24 sponsoring – Supersoniqs Soundstar

A fantastic new soundcard based on the Philips SAA1099 chip offering 6 stereo sound channels

A unique piece of sound hardware

The Supersoniqs MSX hardware extension named Soundstar delivers 6 channels of unprecedented stereo tone generated audio to the MSX system. This unique piece of hardware has found its way to the MSXdev winners lootbox.

Leave it up to MSX device manufacturer Supersoniqs to bring XO and unique MSX hardware to the table. If you’re not familiar with them, have a look at the current arsenal of 8-bit electronics they have on display in their shop. Ranging from slot expanders to audio extension cards, their products are certainly one of a kind. Their sound cart called Soundstar is no exception to that.

Soundstar is a new small sized cartridge that houses true 6 channels of stereo tone-generated audio capabilities. Based on the Philips saa1099 sound chip, this monster adds layers of raw square waves to the MSX system. The SAA1099 audio chip is known for its use in the 8-bit SAM Coupé computer system. The sound chip has a lot of similarities with the PSG, but runs on steroids.

We are super excited to have this 8-bit wonder in our lootbox, thank you Supersoniqs for this wonderful gift!

For more fabulous hardware from Supersoniqs you can visit their web shop.