- Winner: Contest cancelled
- 3 games released (1 of the games was a beta)
- The first MSXdev contest ever
- Was cancelled as a contest due to the lack of entries and some other troubles
Game entries
Penguin Race
- Author: Dioniso (Alfonso D.C.)
- Game genre: Bet
- Format : MSX 16Kb ROM
- File content:
- ROM + manual
- MP3 files
Guru Logic
- Team: Karoshi Corporation
- Author: Eduardo A. Robsy Petrus
- Game genre : Puzzle Logic
- Format: MSX 32Kb ROM
Downloads for this game are not allowed by the original entitled owners, Aiky Co.
Teki Paki (beta)
- Team: CEZ GS
- Author: José Vicente Masó (aka WYZ)
- Game genre: Tetris alike
- Format: MSX 16Kb ROM
This contest was cancelled. Problems had forced the competition part to be canceled as a regular contest. So, MSXdev’03 became a platform to distribute those three brand new games.
The goal of this competition is to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the creation of the MSX standard. It has been a long time since the last MSX game was published, because nowadays the MSX scene is focused on MSX2 and higher computers, and the MSX1, the first generation, has been completly forgotten.
Perhaps this is the last chance to join efforts and produce a new generation of games for the original MSX. Please keep in mind that the most popular MSX games were developed for the MSX1 computers: Nemesis saga. It is obvious that it is easier to code for the MSX2 computer, because its graphic capabilities are comparatively awesome. But the MSX2 game development competition will come in 2005!
Format of the games
Which is the most popular MSX1 media format? The answer is easy: game cartridges. So, the games for this competition should be in ROM format, and perhaps, one day, we could produce some new cartridges with them. Or, at least, use them with those FlashROM carts.
To make the things more interesting, the games should work on the lowest MSX configuration: first generation MSX, with 16 KB of RAM, 16 KB of VRAM, and PSG sound only.
Inscription process
Just send an e-mail including the name of all people involved in the project, the name of the team if it exists, a name for the project (it can be different of the game title) and a contact e-mail address. It’s optional to include a web page with more info about the project or its progress. It’s also suggested to include a brief description of the game or, at least, the game genre (arcade, RPG, shootem’up, sports, simulation, etc.).
It is possible to participate with different projects, but every project should be registered separately.
Competition rules
All competitors should follow these rules:
- All games should be original games never published before. Do not send hacked versions of previously published games, please. Any suspicious game will be disqualified. Clones and remakes are accepted, though original games will be prefered.
- The games should be full featured final versions. Do not send beta- versions or include things “to be implemented in future versions”. We just want the final product.
- All games should be MSX compatible. This means that they should work perfectly in any MSX configuration: from MSX to Turbo-R. They will be tested and any non fully compatible game will be highly penalized in its score. The minumum configuration is the one descripted previously: MSX, 16 KB RAM, 16 KB VRAM, PSG sound only, no disk drive. Other features, like SCC/FM-PAC sound are neither suggested nor accepted.
- Games cannot be published until the end of the contest. Test versions are allowed, of course, but they should not be freely distributed. Please do not spread the games. In addition, all contestants accept that all games are freeware. No money for MSX games!
- Every project should be send to the organization before 1st December 2003. It has to include the game in ROM format, a document in english with the full instructions and it is optional to include a game cover and cartridge sticker. Update: deadline extended until 9th December 2003.
And that’s all, folks! Join now and start coding. Prize is increasing!
Judges and prizes
If you are an MSX programmer and you aren’t going to participate in the contest, become a judge. If you want to become a judge, please send an e-mail including your full name and a brief list of what you’ve done for the MSX system. All selected judges will have a copy of all games and will have to vote them from 1st December to 14th December. Proper instructions will be given to them in the next months.
The prize list is open: you can donate what you want, just to make the compo more interesting. Solidarize with MSX programmers!
Please check out the status page to know how many projects are currently in development and the full list of prizes donated to the MSXdev’03 competition.
Guru Logic
- Group: Karoshi Corp.
- Code / Graphics / Sound: Eduardo Robsy Petrus
- Game genre: puzzle / hability
- e-mail: eduardo@robsy.net
- Code / Graphics: Ricardo Bittencourt
- Music: Alex Sato
- Game genre: Multiplayer Tetris
- e-mail: ricbit@700km.com.br
- Code: José Vicente WYZ Masó
- Game genre: Puzzle – MSX adaptation
- e-mail: wyz@computeremuzone.com
- Group: ZONAN
- Code: Arnau Castellví
- Game genre: Unknown yet
- e-mail: arnau@castellvirtual.com
Senjou Kutsuu – NOT SUBMITED
- Group: Harenchi
- Code / Sound: Shinjin KARELLEN
- Graphics: Yamafuji Megumi
- Game genre: secret
- e-mail: harenchi_games@yahoo.co.jp
Penguin Race
- Programmer: Alfonso D.C.
- Game genre: luck
- e-mail: dioniso072@yahoo.es
Sponsors and prize list
- Eduardo Robsy Petrus, Karoshi Corp. (Spain) – donates 50 euros.
- Ricardo Bittencourt (Brazil) – donates kit-ricbit, a CD containing all his original software for MSX (including source), plus it has all his development environment, compilers, assembler, and such, and lots, lots of documentation including electronic schematics.
- Juan Alberto ThulsaDoom Milán Figueredo (Spain) – donates an external RAM mapper of 1024 KB.
- David Fernández, Imanok (Spain) – donates Cat’n’Mouse original MSX2 game.
- Antonio Cano-Caballero Pérez makinavaja (Spain) – donates 10 euros.
- Juan Luis MsxKun, Paxanga Soft (Spain) – donates two copies of MSX HotNumbers original MSX2 game.
- Manuel Dopico, Moai-Tech (Spain) – donates FM-Sesion music disk and a copy of Moai-Tech fanzine.
- Manuel Pazos (Spain) – donates Sonyc for MSX2+/Turbo-R.
- Armando Pérez Abad (Spain) – donates KPI-Ball for MSX2.
- Alejandro Corral Granados (Spain) – donates a GunStick light gun for MSX.
- Hans Otten (Netherlands) – donates MSX-info pages on CD-ROM with lots of useful info.
- Angel Carmona, Desgalitxat Club (Spain) – donates a MSX Collection Covers DVD and a T-shirt with an MSX image.
- Calamar Group (Spain) – donates RGB SCART cable for Sony/MSX2+/Turbo-R.
Jury members
- Néstor Soriano (Spain), a.k.a. Konamiman
- Hustin Olivier (Belgium), a.k.a. Magoo
- Manuel Pazos (Spain)
- Roman Van Der Meulen (Holland), a.k.a. Shadow
- Anonymous