Name of the game: Chambers of Thyrea Game size: 32Kb RAM size requirements: 16Kb Genre: Sokoban-like puzzle Name of the individual involved: Spacesugar What an amazing MSXdev edition this year.Another title comes crashing through the gates as if it’s nothing, right before the deadline. And it’s quite a big deal, […]
Name of the game: Freedom Fighter – Rise of The Humans Game size: 128Kb (ASCII 16 mapper) RAM size requirements: 16KB Genre: Shoot-’em-up Names of the individuals involved: Code: Pintus Giuseppe Ettore, aka Geppo, aka thegeps. Music and sound effects: Phaze101. Everyone frequenting the forums at the MSX Resource Center […]
Name of the game: Anchors Aweigh Game size: 160Kb (megarom, K5 mapper) RAM size requirements: 16KB Genre: Puzzle Names of the individuals involved: Manuel Martínez Another surprise entry, that’s based on the classic “Battleship” tabletop game. You know, where you have to guess the positions of the ships in your […]
Name of the game: Pacific Game size: 16KB RAM size requirements: 16KB Genre: Shoot-’em-up Names of the individuals involved: André Baptista One of this year’s early entries, “Subcommander” took us to war in the depths of the ocean. This entry takes us in the opposite vertical direction, lifting us high […]
A fresh platformer with an unusually morbid plot and setting for the genre has been stirring up the retrogame development scene for quite a while now. The name of the culprit is “l’Abbaye des Morts”, which translates to “The Abbey of The Dead”. This quite special kind of platforming adventure, […]
Name of the game: Witch Day Game size: 392KB RAM size requirements: 16KB Game genre: Adventure Individuals involved: Main program: José Soto Gándara (joesg) Testing and translation: Daniel González Witch Day is an adventure that reminds Zelda and other games. Saying that, we play the role of old lady named Anabel that comes […]
Name of the game: SPC Super HOOPS Game size: 32KB RAM size requirements: 16KB Game genre: Sports / Arcade Name of the group / individuals involved: Hakogame It’s showtime! Time for playing a basketball-like game before times runs out. There is a power bar at the bottom of the screen where a […]
Name of the game: BlockPuzzle Game size: 32KB RAM size requirements: 16KB Game genre: Casual puzzle Individuals involved: David “turbor” Heremans Puzzles, a good way to spend our spare time playing with our MSX computer. Here we have a new one that pretends to be casual but also give a good moments of entertainment. The […]
As you may know, our MSXdev contest gives you the opportunity to support the contest in two ways: donations and sponsoship. By doing this, you help the contest to be more attractive for potential contestants, and at the same time you’re helping developers to create more wonderful MSX games. Today, […]
Name of the game: Relevo’s Snowboarding Size: 48KB RAM size requirements: 8KB Genre: Sports / Racing Name of the group involved: Relevo Here we have it – the eleventh entry for MSXdev’20 while we are approaching the deadline for contest entries, at the end of this month. The veteran developers […]
Name of the game: Raftoid Game size: Working to be finally 16KB RAM size requirements: 16KB Genre: Brick Breaker (heavily inspired by Arkanoid) Individuals involved: Raúl Portales (Platty Soft) with some help from bitsofbas The era and time of this story is mostly unknown. After contact was lost with the mother […]
Name of the game: Cuncuna Game size: 16KB RAM size requirements: 16KB Genre: Arcade License: Freeware Individuals involved: Christian Córdova Hey kids, remember The Very Hungry Caterpillar? Well, now we actually get to play one, in a Snake-inspired (yes, the eating one, but not the one eating in the jungle) […]
Name of the game: Stupid Martians Game size: 64KB RAM size requirements: 16KB Genre: Shoot’em up (a bit bullet hell) Name of the individuals involved: Code and graphics: Visualedu Music: Bitcaffe Betatesters: Antxiko and Pablibiris Right after The Menace from Triton gave us some fresh shoot’em up action to chew […]
Name of the game: The Menace from Triton Game size: 48KB RAM size requirements: 16KB Genre: Space shooter Name of the individuals involved: Santiago Ontañón (Brain Games) One could argue that for the recent years, an edition of MSXdev isn’t complete without contributions from certain long time contenders such as […]
Name of the game: Litter Box Game size: 16KB RAM size requirements: 16KB Genre: Maze License: Freeware Individuals involved: RAY2DAY MSX SOFTWARE According to a popular theory, cats are really plotting to take over the world. And arguably, that could be for the best. It’s not a far stretch to […]
Name of the game: Landing Game size: 16KB RAM size requirements: 8KB Genre: Action License: Freeware Individuals involved: Z80 Epoch Cats are awesome and beautiful! So how can we not be enthusiastic about a new entry to the contest featuring one of those furry feline friends? In this game, our […]
Name of the game: Yazzie MSX Remastered Game size: 32KB RAM size requirements: 16KB Genre: Puzzle Platformer Individuals involved: Retro Souls & FRS Here comes a new challenger! Yazzie MSX Remastered, and as the label “MSX Remastered” says, this is a totally rebuilt game made from the original Yazzie, which […]
Name of the game: Subcommander Game size: 32KB (ROM version) Requirements for ROM version: MSX1 with 16Kb RAM Requirements for Disk version: MSX1 with 64Kb RAM Genre: Shoot’em up Individuals involved: Zoran Majcenić Control a well-armed military submarine ready to sink as much enemy ships as you can before time […]
Name of the game: Jäästä Game size: 32KB Genre: Adventure Individuals involved: Uninteresting Here comes an adventure in the cold land of the penguins! You play the role of a penguin (of course) and your mission is to buy a present for your penguin friend Paula. Try to find enough […]
Name of the game: Dot Attack Size: 32KB RAM size requirements: 8KB Genre: Action Name of the group involved: N.O.P. Name of people involved: Maarten Loor Stephan Smetsers WLCracks Mark Verhappen Reindert Franke Any other information or related media that you’d like to share: Released at Beuningen 2020. Website address: […]
Greetings, dear MSX fans and friends all around the world! We, the MSXdev Team, proudly present the new edition of the longest running international MSX development contest: MSXdev’20. Now, you might wonder, “But where did MSXdev’19 go?” Well, as the slogan for this new edition reads, this is a new […]
Our jury has been working for the last month and finally we can read their words in order to get acquainted with the games participating in this year’s edition of the contest. Many thanks to them, of course, as they are an important part of the contest. The chosen ones […]
First of all, we feel it is only right to apologize for the delay in the MSXdev’18 jury announcement. We’ve been working hard to settle everything. but we must admit that time rushed on us…We, the MSXdev Team, suppose you all know the drill – sometimes real life just interferes […]
Category: MSX Freestyle Name of the game: Goal Game size / RAM size requirements for the game: about 27 Kb / 64Kb RAM Game genre: Managerial Name of the group / individuals involved: G.G.G. Soft Welcome to the world of soccer! This is Goal, a management simulator where you must […]
Category: MSX Classic Name of the project / game: Quartet Game size / RAM size requirements for the game: 32Kb / 8Kb RAM Game genre: Action Puzzle Name of the group / individuals involved: Ilkke & bitsofbas Here comes a new challenger! The name is Quartet, and it’s a puzzle […]
Category: MSX Classic Name of the project / game: PWND3 – Full Metal Snake Twitch Edition Game size / RAM size requirements for the game: 16Kb / 8Kb RAM Game genre: Puzzle Name of the group / individuals involved: Metal Soft The snake returns! After paying a visit to the […]
Category: MSX classic Name of the game: XRacing Game Size / RAM requirements: 48KB ROM / 16KB RAM Game genre: Car racing Name of the group / individuals: Brain Games (Santi Ontañón) Having been announced last month, finally XRacing has made it before deadline and it is available for download. […]
Category MSX Freestyle Name of the project / game: Barbarian The Duel Game size / RAM size requirements for the game: MSX2/MSX2+/MSXTurboR ROM ASCII16 – 1024KBytes 128KBytes VRAM PSG or FM (SFX Samples optional with OPL4 (Moonsound or clone) Game genre: Fighting Name of the group: Bitvision Software Individuals involved: […]
Category MSX Freestyle Name of the project / game: Barbarian The Duel Game size / RAM size requirements for the game: MSX2/MSX2+/MSXTurboR ROM ASCII16 – 1024MBytes 128KBytes VRAM PSG or FM (SFX Samples optional with OPL4 (Moonsound or clone) Game genre: Fighting Name of the group: Bitvision Software Individuals involved: […]
Category: MSX classic Name of the game: XRacing Game Size / RAM requirements: 48KB ROM / 16KB RAM Game genre: Car racing Name of the group / individuals: Brain Games (Santi Ontañón) A new racing game has been announced by Santi Ontañón for MSXdev’18. By now we only have a […]
Category: MSX Classic Name of the fame: GRAVITICA Game size / RAM size requirements: 32KB ROM/16KB RAM Genre: Original (STG-like) Name of the individual involved: Yusuke Miyauchi Yusuke Miyauchi brings us an original game where we control a spaceship which has no attacking capabilities. As we travel along space, there […]
Category: MSX Freestyle Name of the game: Shoulder Blade OVERDRIVE Game size / RAM size requirements: 48KB / 128KB VRAM Requires MSX2 Game genre: Shootem’up Name of the group / individuals involved: Nobuaki Washio, GW’s-Workshop Here’s the second game for the MSX Freestyle category in this issue of MSXdev! Shoulder […]